Kung fu Siu Lam Hung-Gar Khin

Scunthorpe Martial Arts Center

8, Ferry road, Scunthorpe, DN15 8QG
Kung fu Mobil: 07460867168

Modalities of registration

A registration form will be given to you during your first session of training.

It will be necessary to supply us with an ID photo and a parental consent for the studians under age 16, as well as a medical certificate of non-contraindication for the practice of kung fu and tai chi will be asked you for your definitive registration.

Modalities in the practice

Kung fu: for the first class, a simple tracksuit and a T-shirt are enough. After the first month, it will be asked you to adopt the clothing of our school. It is a black bottom kimono, associated with a white top kimono and a white belt.

Tai chi: the main part lies in the choice of ample clothes to feel confortable in the movements. Pants, jacket and color of your choice.

School logo